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Job Test Help is Australia's most trusted and experienced psychometric test takers and tutors. Since 2018, we've passed thousands of psychometric tests for job candidates.
We were previously called Psychometrics Test Experts, and can also be found on Gumtree. We now offer our services globally.
We can safely take your test without foreign VPNs and stray IP addresses (VPNs result in using IP addresses with an unusually large volume of traffic), and we maintain confidentiality to all clients. We can even screen-share with you so the IP address recorded is your own.
Hire an expert to complete the psychometric test on your behalf.
Online tutoring where we go through actual test questions and provide tips and tricks on how to beat the test, depending on availability.
We can supply you with practice questions from select test companies, or general practice questions.
* Entry level jobs and graduates get $25 discount
Need to get assistance from trusted experts? Contact us now for free consultation or to get started.
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